Confianza Health
Family Support
Work one-on-one with a skilled therapist in a safe, confidential environment. Our therapists work from a variety of different orientations in order to meet the needs of our clients.
The family Support Partners includes helping families determine their eligibility for various state and federal assistance programs. Family support Partners provide ongoing support services to families and parents. Working closely with a clinical therapist the Family Support Partner administers parenting skills programs to families to make lasting functional changes in their lives.
These professionals assist a variety of clients, including U.S. citizens, non-citizens, individuals, and single parents, among others. Navigating the benefits that members of different groups may qualify for is a crucial part of the job. Although the exact duties for family support workers may vary based on the populations they serve and the agencies they work for, examples may include the following:
Personalized Care and Guidance
Compassionate Families deserve to be happy. Confianza Health helps families reconnect with one another in a meaningful way.
Here For You Behavioral Coaching helps children and adolescents learn how to function in a positive and effective way
Quality Care Confianza Health basis all therapies on the Trauma Informed approach. This allows individuals and families to address very difficult emotional concerns in a caring and compassionate way.
Family Support
Parent Support
Navigate Services
Parenting Techniques
Parent Education